Expert Witness

Brand recognition translates to significant sometimes immeasurable market value. Brand identity is inextricably linked to how customers first see you then decide if they should buy from you. It is costly and complicated to produce an identity that speaks clearly with messaging that resonates, globally. You worked hard to develop it. We help to protect it!

Whether you are an Owner, CEO, Marketing Executive, Intellectual Property Litigation Professional L Global’s branding expert can provide brand consulting for insight necessary to the brand identification process or expert witness testimony to support the success of your litigation strategy.
Our expert witness may help develop then help support defense for your brand identity if challenged. Expertise in brand research & development, documentation, and alignment of the brand to revenue coupled with the ability to distill complex information in writing or in-person to a variety of audiences make L Global an ideal expert witness and branding partner. Key branding areas we support:

Brand and name equity research
Brand positioning
Market segmentation and customer acquisition strategy
Positioning evaluation and messaging prioritization
Customer experience journey
Effectiveness tracking and ROI measurement
Creative evaluation
Communications optimization
Product and service innovation

Brand architecture
Brand strategy
Vision, mission, values development
Brand positioning and pillars
Customer experience strategy
Culture change
Voice of the brand messaging

Corporate identity
The face of the brand visual expression
Internal and external brand launches
Sales tools and training
Marketing collateral & campaigns

Performance data analytics
Brand revenue public measurements & tools

L Global Brand Innovators will work hard to develop or protect your unique brand. Just call us.